- Also called waterfall/predictive: scope well defined, clear, changes not expected
- Project manager is in control & all planning is done upfront
- The objective is to complete the set scope in/within time and reduce the cost
- 49 processes divided into 5 groups [Process groups: practice guide] by PMI
Pg 22 of this book has the entire table w list [replaced PMBOK Guide 6th edition]
- The goal of processes to output a deliverable — they live in every phase of the project
- Processes that focus on predictive, but can be used for agile. Considered good practice, not mandatory
- Initiating: Authorize the start of project & assign project manager
- Planning: Establish scope, define course of action for attaining objectives
- Executing: Complete defined work
- Monitor + Control: Track, review & regulate the progress & performance. Look for changes might be required & initiate those changes.
- Closing: Done to formally complete/close project, phase or contract
- PROCESSES ITTO’s: Inputs, tools, techniques, outputs
- Inputs: starting point of the process, to begin execution [could be the output of a previous process]
- Tools & techniques: Used to transform raw materials into output
- Output: End result of our efforts [maybe the input into another process]
- Each of 49 processes have ITTOs
- Enterprise environment factors [EEF] — an input on most of the 49 processes
- impact the project but not part of the project itself
- consider these int/ext factors while planning
- internal for eg: org culture, structure, appetite for risk, comm. channels, IT software, facility & resources, infrastructure, employee capability
- external for eg: political climate, govt/industry standard, legal/regulations, financial considerations
- Organization Process Assets [OPA] — widespread input
- knowledge base, policies & procedures, and documents — to help PMs achieve their objectives
- ex: project templates, software tool, historical info, procedures, guidelines, etc.
- Project Documents
- These documents are created & used throughout the 49 processes and are related to the project but not part of the project management plan
- 33 docs through 49 processes
- page 33, PMI process
- Project Management Plan
- Defines how the project is executed, monitored, controlled & closed
- 18 components, 14 plans & 4 baselines
- Expert Judgement
- one of the most common tools in planning
- includes hiring an SME [subject matter expert] to help you plan or conduct a process
- People with specialized knowledge/training
- Data Gathering, Analysis, Representation & decision-making
- Gathering: brainstorming, interviews, focus groups, checklist, questionnaires/survey
- Analysis: alternative analysis [different ways to accomplish something], RCA [root cause analysis — identify underlying reason], variance [how far off you off], trend [see where you’re going]
- Representation: illustrate data to stakeholders [flowcharts, fishbone diagrams, histograms]
- Decision-making: what to do next with the data through voting, multicriteria decision analysis, autocratic decision
- Tool/Technique: Interpersonal and team skills
- people’s person — most imp tool in real-life project mngmt
- methods: active listening, conflict management, facilitation, meeting mng [agenda, inviting right people, setting time limit, minutes, action items]
- Meetings: tool
- PMIS [project management information system]: technique
- Information system that is used PMIS: for ex: we use notion, monday
- automated system that is used to help PM optimize the schedule
- should include all software & hardware tools that we need to manage project from start to finish
- work authorization system & the configuration mngmt system
- Change Request: Output
- proposal to change a document, deliverable, or baseline
- add or remove scope, finish faster, complete more cheap, etc.
- types/implements: corrective action, preventive action, defect repair
- Work Performance Data, Info & Report: output
- work performance data is simply raw info: status of work done, not usually by itself, usually outputs of executing processes
- work performance info is the info on the work that was performed compared to the plan giving the actual status of deliverables — output of most monitor/control process
- work performance report: overall status report of the actual project: take all work performance info & together in one comprehensive doc.
- take data, compare to the project plan, to get work perf info, then all info creates work perf reports.
- data → info → report [executing → monitor/control]
- Updates: output
- Updates is a catchall term
- can include project documents, PM plan, OPA & EEF updates